Nearly 13,000 students from the Laikipia County and 2000 foreign counties choose Fr.Antony Pagani Secondary over the years.

Fr.Antony Pagani Secondary School is a girls school allowing enrollment from all over the country but on merit.
It also admits students from both public and private primary schools but mostly applying an affirmative action policy to save the students from marginalized semi-arid areas of Laikipia county.
The vetting of students for admission is throughout. It is carried out by Dimesse Sisters.

Interview Requirements:

  • 300 marks and above in KCPE
  • Ability and commitment to pay school fees without delay.

Carry With You

  • Photocopies of KCPE results slips,leaving certificates, birth certificate and baptismal card.
  • A ballpen and non-refundable interview fee of 500/-

NB: Pupils should be in their former school uniform.

Contact the Office of Admission

P.O.Box 74, Rumuruti – Laikipia West


Or, get in touch with an admission counselor to learn more about attending Fr.Antony Pagani Secondary or to get answers to any questions about your application.

Which Type of Student Are You?

Form 1

I’m a primary school graduate seeking a High School Education at FAPS.

Form 1


I am currently enrolled as a high school student seeking transfer to FAPS



I am a student seeking to join the online FAPS program during the holiday period.


School Fees

The cost of attending Fr.Antony Pagani Secondary may not be as much as you think. The schools fees is very affordable since the mission of the school is to assist the girl child to develop in all spheres of life.

#Testimonial What Students Says

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